Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What lips these lips have kissed and where and why...part one

It was very long ago.
A love that grew out of resentment for those who trampled on our hearts
and she vowed no emotions for the new year
but she let one slip
and the union held steady
our union excellent and punk
our names synonymous the way I have chased ever since
and in our youth we lived out our scorched earth policy
I burning the bridges of my family as Nero serenaded me on mother's day
and her casting long shadows for me to bathe and sleep in
covering me with her future
yea we were a team.....
and then she took off her ring
she took it off
Toby Tyler...your table is ready......
but she had to
I couldn't hold her back...her future became so huge!
how can a tragic hero like myself compete
with the blow,the pills,the yak..the herb.
"I am just in it for the ride"
she said as her nails were as jaded as her words
see she was so precise with that nail file
and I imagined how precise she was while cutting lines with the same
vanity(and the same fingers and ragged nails)
she read like a book to me
she was cut from me
and when it was time to say goodbye and off to New York New York big city of dreams
this little piggy stayed home
and cried in the front seat of his hyundai
dried my eyes and drove off from in front of her house
knowing my world turned
but who was I to make her stay
13 years gone and I wouldn't have it any other way
my LOVE is capitol even more today
see its cosmic and mere humans cant touch it
jealous asses
we are without each other
each others arms and kisses and blah fuck blah
but to have this bond is what old codgers stay together for
hoping to wake up one day and look at the
person that slumbers beside them and realize
today is the day she will understand me


Leopold d'Motto said...

Your words are getting closer to defining it all like a tarp out in the rain... a big one lain over a gulch when before... when the pain drove to distraction like the canvas canopying the straggling air that took the place of a once great river... love.

That's just what comes to my mind's eye... I think I was channeling what you were going through when I wrote "Widdershins round the Obelisk" but I was not remotely aware of it at the time.

I'm having a bit of writer's block. It's hard to write about beauty because babies, you know. Still, there are things to write about but I don't get any freaking sleep so I can't dream.


Anonymous said...

I think the fog is lifting as well....and the block is a misfortune...I know it to well as when Gavin was a baby it swallowed my creativity too....ride the storm out my brother

Anonymous said...

"You gotta promise not to stop when I say when". Your words hurt me, but I gotta hear 'em.

n2tha0 said...

it hurts every time....I hope it always does.