Tuesday, December 18, 2007

when the sun shines in this room....the son shines in this room

I wish Gavin were here tonight
nighttime is the worst
the silence is deafening in this house
it makes me sick of breathing
because thats the only sound I hear
but if my son were with me....
I could hear his sleepy breaths
and I wouldnt feel impossibly alone
and maybe thats all I lack
not arms that lay under my head till morning
just him
his room is so emptied
I mean its cluttered and messy like a four year old's room
but he is not here
and Thursday MY father will be here
in HIS sons cluttered and messy house
emptied as ever
empty as fuck

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pray that I never know that sort of pain, Norm. I'm making some CDs for ya, homes... not that it will fill the void. I won't be down until x-mas day so I'll drop em off or mail them or whatever.
hang in there... i don't like it when people say 'hang in there'. how about 'rawk awn'?
