Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Ripple Effect

what weird shift in the cosmos happened to where some women have lost their sense of rationality?
They want so much to have and have more.
And never willing to give up.
Heaven forbid they are seen for what they really are
What is underneath
The truth......

Anyway..The new year.
I woke up on the first and felt better.
I am ready with new resolve
Not wanting the things I wanted before
I also anticipate the prospering
The little feeling of oneness one gets
when left alone.
I just wanna feel that for once.
And I will.
No one will be around to take that away either

but their seems to be an epidemic of adultery on the rise
just give the infected their blanket and point them to the trail of open arms that accept them....
but send them with a warning
a scarlet A
and be sure to burn all that is left
so they never come back

Give natives some blankets warm like the grave.....
.......the end of the frontier and all that you own
under the blankets of all that you've done......

1 comment:

technicstable said...

You know I've been here, Norman. Unwilling member since 1999. Stay up, big brother. Stay up.